Number of cyclists killed on roads
- Summary
This statistic shows the cyclist fatalities on roads in Great Britain from 2012 to 2019. During the time period recorded here, the number of cyclists killed on British roads averaged at about a 100 fatalities each year. Numbers decreased post 2017 as 99 and 98 deaths were recorded in 2018 and 2019 respectively
- Locations
- Great Britain
- Topics
- Accidents and incidents
- Time period
- 1/1/2012 - 31/12/2019
- Update frequency
- -
- Organisation
- Statista
- Licence
- Commercial Commercial Licence
- Transport mode
- -
- Road network
- -
- Locations
- Great Britain
- Regions
- -
- Topics
- Accidents and incidents
- Time period
- 1/1/2012 - 31/12/2019
- Update frequency
- -
- Organisation
- Statista
- Licence
- Commercial Commercial Licence
- Transport mode
- -
- Road network
- -
- Version
- -
- Date added
- 09/03/2021
- Last updated
- 05/12/2022
- Contact
- Contact email
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To access this dataset you will need to visit their website.
- Data formats
- xls, pdf, ppt